Christian Preachers

Three Christian preachers and their wives were on a tour of the Middle East, when a land mine destroyed their bus and killed them. The three couples found themselves on a golden path which led to St. Peter’s desk just outside the pearly gates. On his desk was a giant book and two buttons — one red, one white.

The first couple approached the desk and the man proudly proclaimed that he was a minister of the gospel. St. Peter said, “Okay, but I’ve got to find you in the book first. Lessee … Yes, it says here you were a preacher, but it also says you were obsessed with MONEY. You loved money far more than you loved God. You even married a woman named Penny!”

St. Peter pushed the red button. A trapdoor opened and the couple fell screaming down to Hell.

The second couple approached and the man again proudly proclaimed that he was a minister of the gospel. St. Peter looked him up in the book and said, “Okay, but it says here you were obsessed with LIQUOR. You loved alcohol far more than you loved God. You even married a woman named Brandy!”

St. Peter pushed the red button. A trapdoor opened and the couple fell screaming down to Hell.

The third preacher turned around, took his wife by the arm and said, “Come on, Fanny, let’s see if we can find the stairs.”

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