Ink Blot Test

A fellow is lying on the couch undergoing a test by the psychiatrist.

The shrink creates a blot of ink on a piece of paper, then holds it up for the patient to see, then asks, “What do you see?”

The patient says, “I see a nude woman.”

The shrink creates another ink blot picture, then holds it up to the patient to see, and again asks, “Now, what do you see?”

The patient says, “I see a nude woman.”

Finally, the shrink makes another picture and asks, “NOW, what do you see?”

The patient says, “I see a nude woman.”

The shrink puts his ink and paper to one side and says, “Well, I think I know what your problem is: you simply have a dirty mind.”

And the patient says, “YOU’RE the one showing me all those dirty pictures!”

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