Bus Driver

There was a nun on a bus.  The bus stops to pick up a guy. The guy sits next to the nun and says, “Hey baby, want to have sex with me?”  The nun slaps him across the face and gets off at her stop.

As the guy gets off the bus, the bus driver says, “Hey, let me talk to you man-to-man for a minute.  I see that nun praying every night at that cemetery over there at about six-thirty, if you go there dressed as God you could probably get her to have sex with you.”

The guy thanks the driver and gets off the bus.  The next night, the guy dresses up like God with the robes and waits for the nun in the graveyard.  Just as the bus driver said, the nun came to pray at around six-thirty.  The man walks up behind the nun and says, “I am God!”

The nun says, “Oh great and powerful one what can I do for you?”

The guy says, “You must have sex with me.”

The nun says, “Ok, but you must do me anally, as I must remain a virgin, true to my oath.”

The guy agrees and they have sex.

Then the guy jumps up, tears off his robes and says, “Ha, ha!  I am the guy from the bus!”

And the nun jumped up, tears off her robes and says, “Ha, ha!  I am the bus driver!”

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